What is erectile dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction , the primary condition treated with Kamagra, is defined as a persistent inability to achieve or maintain a healthy erection for satisfactory s e x u a l intercourse. Although not threatening, this condition drastically influences the s e x u a l intimacy and self-confidence, reducing the quality of life. Statistics indicate that up to 7% of men aged 18-29 are affected by this health problem, the prevalence of erectile dysfunction rising from men aged 50 to 59. When does erectile dysfunction occur? Erectile dysfunction becomes more common as men get older. It's also associated with some medical conditions, like heart disease and diabetes. Diabetic men are four times more likely to improve erectile dysfunction than those without diabetes. They also tend to develop erectile dysfunction ten to fifteen years earlier and have more severe cases. To live a happy life, it is necessary to have a good career and a successful physical...
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